Monday, March 16, 2009

Golemizer on FOX Houston

Well that's a surprise. Have I told you how much I like the web? Only the web can get a website built by a french canadian featured on TV in Texas!

Source: Golemizer on FOX Houston


bonder said...

Has this resulted in any traffic?

Over00 said...

It didn't create any peak of visitors no. Barely received 100 visitors from the website and the others are hard to calculate but I can only notice a slight curve that possibly could be related to this.

Since it was unexpected I'll take it gladly anyway but the best results still come from gaming websites (or even things like stumbleupon) that sometimes double the visitors on a single day. The appearance on tv was too untargeted.

labatterie said...

To my surprise, nothing bad happened in the process of transferring everything,it was unexpected I'll take it gladly anyway but the best results still come from gaming websites ...